I need to write a 700 word summary about any Hinduism god?

First, research. Read some of these sites about Hindu gods.


Next, choose a god that interests you.

Read widely about that god. Take notes.

Develop a thesis statement.


Make an outline of the points that support your thesis statement.

Now you're ready to write your paper.

There are a lot of Hindu gods to choose from. One god that is really well known is Krishna. He is often described as an infant playing a flute. He portrays the roles of being a god-child, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero, and the Supreme Being. More than approx. half of the Indians worship this god every day. To worship the god Krishna, and to celebrate his birthday, they often conduct ceremonies at their houses.

There are a lot of sites on the net which tell the story of Krishna.

Sure! Writing a 700-word summary about any Hindu god can be an interesting task. To write a thorough summary, you will need to conduct some research and gather information about the chosen god's background, characteristics, legends, symbolism, and significance in Hinduism. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get started:

1. Choose a Hindu God: Hinduism has numerous gods and goddesses, each with their own unique traits and stories. It might be helpful to choose a god that appeals to you or one that you find intriguing. Some popular options include Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, Ganesha, Saraswati, Durga, and Hanuman.

2. Research Background Information: To begin, gather some general background information about the chosen god. Learn about their origin, historical context, and their place in Hindu mythology and scriptures such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharata, or Ramayana. Understand their relation to other gods and goddesses and their role in the Hindu pantheon.

3. Characteristic and Symbolism: Dive deeper into the god's characteristics and symbolism. Explore their physical attributes, weapons, vehicles, and other distinctive features. Understanding the symbolism linked to the god can also provide insights into their representation and significance in Hindu culture and philosophy.

4. Legends and Stories: Research the myths, legends, and stories associated with the god you have chosen. These narratives are often rich with symbolism and offer glimpses into the god's role and teachings in Hinduism. Look for well-known tales that highlight the god's various avatars, heroic deeds, and interactions with other deities or mortal beings.

5. Significance and Worship: Explore the god's significance in Hinduism, including their role in cosmology, religious rituals, festivals, and daily worship practices. Investigate how the god is revered by devotees, the temples dedicated to them, and the various rituals and offerings associated with their worship.

6. Organize and Summarize: Once you have gathered ample information, organize your findings to create a structured summary. Divide it into sections like background, characteristics, legends, symbolism, significance, and worship. Ensure that you present the information in a cohesive and logical manner.

7. Writing the Summary: Begin writing your summary by introducing the chosen god and providing a brief background about them. Then, gradually expand on their characteristics, symbolism, and legends. Discuss their significance in Hinduism and explain how they are worshipped. You can also include any personal observations, cultural or philosophical contexts, or modern-day relevance if applicable.

Remember to maintain a clear and concise writing style while ensuring your meaningful summary reaches around 700 words. Revise and edit your work to refine the content, improve readability, and eliminate any errors before finalizing the summary.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can write an informative and engaging 700-word summary about any Hinduism god.