Which of the following statements are true?

Fusion reactions result in nuclei with higher Z.

To keep a nuclear power plant going, a chain reaction must be maintained.

Nuclear fusion produces no long-lived radioactive by-products.

The Sun is a nuclear fusion reactor.

yes; no; no; yes, sort of;

let me amplify on the chain reaction. A power reactor controls the reaction. Nuclear decay produces energy (heat) that the steam generators need. So to get more energy, the reactors move contol rods such that fission causing neutrons are allowed to cause more atoms to split. If less energy is needed,the controlrods absorb the neutrons, slowing down the decay rate and heat production. It is this control of the rate of fission that allows the nuclear material to produce the heat needed. One has to maintain this control.

Two of the statements are true:

1. Fusion reactions result in nuclei with higher Z. This statement is true because fusion reactions involve the combining of lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. This process generally results in nuclei with higher atomic numbers (Z).

2. The Sun is a nuclear fusion reactor. This statement is also true. The Sun generates its energy through nuclear fusion reactions in its core, specifically the fusion of hydrogen nuclei (protons) to form helium. This process releases a vast amount of energy and is responsible for the Sun's light and heat.

However, the other two statements are false:

3. To keep a nuclear power plant going, a chain reaction must be maintained. This statement is not true. Nuclear power plants do rely on chain reactions to produce energy, but these chain reactions involve nuclear fission, not fusion. In a nuclear fission chain reaction, the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller fragments, releasing energy. Nuclear power plants use this process to generate heat, which is then converted into electricity.

4. Nuclear fusion produces no long-lived radioactive by-products. This statement is also false. While nuclear fusion does produce energy without the long-lived radioactive waste associated with nuclear fission, it still produces some radioactive by-products. Fusion reactions can result in the production of high-energy neutrons, which can cause activation of materials surrounding the fusion reaction. These activated materials can become radioactive and may require proper handling and disposal.

To determine which of the statements are true, let's go through each one individually:

1. Fusion reactions result in nuclei with higher Z.
To determine if this statement is true, we need to understand what Z represents. In nuclear physics, Z refers to the atomic number, which represents the number of protons in an atomic nucleus. During fusion reactions, when two atomic nuclei combine, their protons merge as well. In general, fusion reactions can produce nuclei with different atomic numbers than the reactants. This means that the resulting nuclei may have higher or lower Z values depending on the specific fusion reaction. Therefore, this statement is partly true, as fusion reactions can indeed produce nuclei with higher Z, but it is not a universal outcome.

2. To keep a nuclear power plant going, a chain reaction must be maintained.
This is true. Nuclear power plants rely on sustaining a controlled chain reaction in which one nuclear reaction triggers subsequent reactions. In a nuclear power plant, typically fueled by uranium or plutonium, the fission of a nucleus releases energy and also produces neutrons. These neutrons can then strike other fissile nuclei, causing them to undergo fission as well, resulting in a self-sustaining chain reaction. Therefore, to keep a nuclear power plant operational, it is necessary to maintain this chain reaction.

3. Nuclear fusion produces no long-lived radioactive by-products.
This statement is not entirely true. While it is correct that nuclear fusion does not produce long-lived radioactive by-products in the same way that nuclear fission does, it does produce some radioactive particles. Fusion reactions primarily involve light elements like hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium) which combine to form helium. The by-products of fusion reactions are generally fast-moving particles such as neutrons, which can induce radioactivity in materials they collide with. Although the radioactive by-products from fusion are short-lived, they can still pose challenges for the material surrounding the fusion reaction. Thus, the statement is false.

4. The Sun is a nuclear fusion reactor.
This statement is true. The Sun, our star, is indeed a nuclear fusion reactor. The primary fusion reaction occurring in the Sun's core is the fusion of hydrogen nuclei (protons) into helium, called the proton-proton chain reaction. This process releases an enormous amount of energy in the form of light and heat, which sustains the Sun's brightness and provides the energy required to sustain life on Earth. Therefore, we can conclude that the Sun operates as a nuclear fusion reactor.

In summary, the true statements are:
- To keep a nuclear power plant going, a chain reaction must be maintained.
- The Sun is a nuclear fusion reactor.