Values and Lifestyle system of consumers in James B. Twitchell's What We Are to Advisters.

What are the consumers gropups being targeted?

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To determine the consumer groups being targeted in James B. Twitchell's book "What We Are to Advertisers," you can start by examining the Values and Lifestyle (VALS) system. The VALS system is a marketing research tool that classifies consumers into different groups based on their values, beliefs, and behaviors.

1. Obtain a copy of the book: "What We Are to Advertisers" by James B. Twitchell. This book delves into the psychology and behavior of consumers and how advertisers target them.

2. Familiarize yourself with the VALS system: Understand the different consumer segments or groups identified by the VALS system. This system categorizes consumers into several groups based on their primary motivations and resources. Twitchell may reference VALS to explain the consumer groups being targeted.

3. Analyze the book content: Look for specific references within the book that discuss the targeted consumer groups. This might involve examining sections that delve into consumer behavior, lifestyle preferences, or purchasing patterns.

4. Pay attention to examples and case studies: Twitchell might provide real-life examples or case studies of advertising campaigns targeting specific consumer groups. Look out for descriptions and characteristics of consumers within these examples.

5. Look for clues in the book's main arguments: Analyze the central arguments and themes of the book. These can offer insights into the target consumers. Consider whether the book addresses specific age groups, demographics, or psychographics.

6. Examine discussions on advertising strategies: Twitchell may discuss how advertisers target certain consumer groups based on their values and lifestyles. Look for sections that elaborate on the tactics, messages, and platforms used to reach these consumers.

By following these steps and thoroughly analyzing the book's content, you should be able to identify the consumer groups being targeted in James B. Twitchell's "What We Are to Advertisers."