how can you sort the words wish,child, beach, tooth, and theater

You could start with the position of the "h" in each word.

i don't understand? Can you explain a little more?

All of those words have th or ch or sh in them. Where in each word is the "h"? 1st? 2nd? 3rd? Where?

Then put them in order.

To sort the words "wish," "child," "beach," "tooth," and "theater," you can follow these steps:

1. Compare the first letter of each word.
- In this case, we have: "w," "c," "b," "t," and "t."

2. Arrange the words in ascending alphabetical order based on the first letter.
- The sorted order would be: "beach," "child," "theater," "tooth," and "wish."

3. In case two words have the same first letter, compare the second letter.
- Check if any words have the same first letter. In this case, we have two words starting with "t" ("theater" and "tooth").

4. Arrange those words based on the second letter in ascending alphabetical order.
- Comparing the second letter of "theater" and "tooth," "theater" comes before "tooth" as "h" comes before "o."

5. If there are more words with the same first and second letters, continue comparing the following letters until all words are sorted.

So, after going through these steps, the sorted words would be: "beach," "child," "theater," "tooth," and "wish."