How would you set up the following unifor motion problem...

How long will it take the plane to fly 1000 km (i mile=1.61 km) if it is traveling at a constant velocity of 80 km/hr.

To set up the uniform motion problem and find the time it takes for the plane to fly 1000 km at a constant velocity of 80 km/hr, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Velocity

Step 1: Convert the distance from miles to kilometers.
Since 1 mile is equal to 1.61 kilometers, we can convert the distance of 1000 km to miles by dividing it by 1.61. This gives us:

Distance = 1000 km / 1.61 km/mi = 621.12 miles

Step 2: Plug in the values into the formula.
Using the formula Time = Distance / Velocity, we can substitute the values:

Time = 621.12 miles / 80 km/hr

Step 3: Convert miles to kilometers and hours to minutes (if needed).
If you prefer keeping all units in the same system (kilometers and hours), you would convert miles to kilometers by multiplying by 1.61:

621.12 miles * 1.61 km/mi = 999.93232 km

Similarly, if you want to convert hours to minutes, you multiply by 60:

80 km/hr * 60 min/hr = 4800 km/min

So the time formula becomes:

Time = 999.93232 km / 4800 km/min

Step 4: Simplify and solve.
Now you can simplify the formula and calculate the time:

Time = 999.93232 km / 4800 km/min ≈ 0.2083 min

So, it will take approximately 0.2083 minutes (or about 12.5 seconds) for the plane to fly 1000 km at a constant velocity of 80 km/hr.