write a brief paragraph that tells how the words matter,element,atom,crystal,compound,and molecule relate.

Sra you're no fun.........

Elements are matter.
Atoms of elements make compounds or molecules, which is still matter.
Crystals are made of atoms and molecules.

thank you SraJMcGin

The words matter, element, atom, crystal, compound, and molecule are all related to the field of chemistry. Matter refers to anything that has mass and takes up space. Elements are the fundamental substances that make up matter, consisting of atoms of the same type. Atoms are the smallest units of an element that retain its chemical properties. Crystals are solid materials in which atoms or molecules are arranged in a repeating pattern, creating a regular geometric structure. Compounds are substances composed of two or more different elements chemically combined. Molecules are the smallest units of a compound that retain its chemical properties, consisting of two or more atoms bonded together. Therefore, elements make up matter, which in turn forms compounds and molecules, while crystals represent a specific arrangement of atoms or molecules.

We HELP but do not DO the work for you. Look each word up in a good dictionary and then write what you can.
