a single numbered standard cube is tossed. what is the probability of getting a number other than nine

If it is a standard cube, it only has six sides. I'm not sure what you mean by "single numbered." If it means that each side has a single number consecutive from 1, then you cannot get a value greater than 6.

P(not 9) = 1.00 (Certainty)

To find the probability of getting a number other than nine when tossing a standard cube, we need to determine how many outcomes meet this condition compared to the total number of possible outcomes.

A standard cube has six equally likely outcomes, numbered from one to six. Out of these six faces, only one face is numbered as nine. Therefore, there are five faces that show numbers other than nine.

So, the probability of getting a number other than nine can be calculated as the number of favorable outcomes (other than nine) divided by the total number of outcomes:

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of outcomes

Probability = 5 / 6

Hence, the probability of getting a number other than nine when tossing a standard cube is 5/6.