Thank you very much. I hope you can have a look at these few sentences too.

1)*Interior monologue is often confused with the stream of consciousness, although they are quite different.
2)Actually, the former is the verbal expression of a psychic phenomenon, while the latter is the psychic phenomenon itself. The interior monologue is the verbal expression of a psychic phenomenon. As a consequence, it is immediate and free from introductory expressions like “he thought, he remembered”.
3) There are two levels of narration: one external to the character’s mind and one internal. Both chronological and formal logical order as well as punctuation rules are not respected. Time is perceived as subjective

As a consequence, it is immediate and free from introductory expressions, such as "he thought" or "he remembered."

... two levels of narration: one is external to the character’s mind, and the other is internal ... Time is perceived as subjective.