which is more concentrated a 1 liter solution containing 30 g of NaCl or a 1 liter solution containing 30g of KCl

moles NaCl = grams/molar mass

moles KCl = grams/molar mass
M = moles/L.
Which has the larger number of moles.

By the way I should point out that this question is a little misleading. If you are talking about % by volume, then 30g/L soln and 30 g/L soln are the same concn. Molarity differs because 30 g of each gives a different number of moles.

To determine which solution is more concentrated, you need to calculate the amount of solute (salt) in each solution relative to the volume of the solution (in this case, 1 liter).

1. Calculate the concentration of NaCl solution:
Concentration (NaCl) = Amount of NaCl / Volume of Solution

Therefore, Concentration (NaCl) = 30 g / 1 L = 30 g/L

2. Calculate the concentration of KCl solution:
Concentration (KCl) = Amount of KCl / Volume of Solution

Similarly, Concentration (KCl) = 30 g / 1 L = 30 g/L

Based on the calculations, both solutions have the same concentration of 30 grams per liter (30 g/L). Therefore, they have the same concentration and are equally concentrated.