which sentences need commas ...

a) the dessert had a fluffly cream topping
b) the fish was served with a rich tangy sauce
c) my first job was happy rewarding experience
d) Mr.Hawkins has a large collection of rare valuuable coins
e) the leader of the rock group was a friendly attractive youth
f) A well-planned thoughtfull speech followed the instroduction.
g) for christmas i bought father a pair of soft pigskin gloves
h) the vessel slipped into port on a rainy moonless night .

i think a-b-c-e-g-h need no further commas ... plz check ... if my answers are wrong plz explain why they're not true... thank you..

First of all, you need to write all sentences with proper capitalization and end punctuation, too.

Scroll down and read #5 carefully. Then re-think your answers.

I'll wait for you.

okay i know these rules but i am confused when using them especially #5 ... okay let me try again

sentences tha need commas are f - d- b- e-c

oh yea the punctuations and capitalization is no problem for me ...

Notice the difference between these two sentences in the link above:

"He is a tall and distinguished fellow" -- so therefore, you can write, "He is a tall, distinguished fellow."

But... "I live in a little and purple house," which is an AWFUL sentence! Therefore, you must write, "I live in a little purple house."

If something is still questionable, try switching the word order. Would you say or write, "I live in a purple little house"? No, so therefore "little purple" in that order and without a comma is what you need to use.

Which of these make good, smooth sense:

b) the fish was served with a rich and tangy sauce
c) my first job was happy and rewarding experience
d) Mr.Hawkins has a large collection of rare and valuable coins
e) the leader of the rock group was a friendly and attractive youth
f) A well-planned and thoughtful speech followed the introduction.
g) for christmas i bought father a pair of soft and pigskin gloves
h) the vessel slipped into port on a rainy and moonless night.

For all those in which the word "and" sounds OK, use a comma. For all those in which the word "and" sounds AWFUL, don't use a comma.

You're right about a) -- it's OK as it is.

b and e don't need commas ... am i right untill now..

Of your original sentences, I think these do not need commas:

a and g

I think all the rest need commas.

this is really confusing ... thanks alot for everything, though .. :D

You're right -- it's not easy. But just keep those questions in mind:

Can I switch them around?
Can I use "and" between them?

If yes, use a comma. If no, don't use a comma.

Your answers for sentences a, b, c, e, g, and h are correct. These sentences do not need any additional commas. However, there are a couple of sentences where you missed the need for commas. Let's examine those sentences:

d) Mr. Hawkins has a large collection of rare valuable coins.

In this sentence, we need to use a comma to separate the two adjectives "rare" and "valuable" because they both modify the noun "coins." The comma helps to clarify that both adjectives are modifying "coins" and not each other.

f) A well-planned, thoughtful speech followed the introduction.

In this sentence, we need to use a comma to separate the two adjectives "well-planned" and "thoughtful" because they both modify the noun "speech." The comma helps to show that both adjectives are describing the same noun.

Remember, when it comes to using commas with adjectives, you typically need a comma if the adjectives are interchangeable or could be reversed in order without changing the meaning of the sentence. For example, "rare, valuable coins" and "valuable, rare coins" have the same meaning.

So the corrected list of sentences needing commas is: d) and f).