During a week in December on anchorage, Alaska the daily high temperatures were 20,18,-10,15,-15,25, and 11. Write an expression to find the average daily high temperature during that week.

[20 + 18 + (-10) + 15 + (-15) + 25 + 11]/7

To find the average of a set of numbers, you need to add up all the numbers and then divide the sum by the total count of numbers. In this case, the set of numbers represents the daily high temperatures in Anchorage, Alaska, for a week in December.

To calculate the average, you can use the following expression:

(20 + 18 + (-10) + 15 + (-15) + 25 + 11) / 7

- We add up all the daily high temperatures: 20 + 18 + (-10) + 15 + (-15) + 25 + 11 = 84.
- Then, we divide this sum by the total count of numbers, which is 7 since there are 7 daily high temperatures.
- So, the expression becomes: 84 / 7.

Therefore, the expression to find the average daily high temperature during that week in Anchorage, Alaska, is:

84 / 7