The term 'human resources' refers to:

(A)persons available for productive and professional services
(B)raw materials used in the manufacture of goods
(C)materials and goods made by human beings
(D)capital invested by shareholders in company

The term 'human resources' refers to (A) persons available for productive and professional services.

The term 'human resources' refers to option A: persons available for productive and professional services.

To arrive at this answer, you can break down the term 'human resources' into its components and definitions.

1. 'Human' refers to individuals belonging to the human species, specifically referring to people.
2. 'Resources' are assets that are available and can be utilized.

When combined, 'human resources' refers to the people or individuals who are available and can be utilized for productive and professional services within an organization or company. This term is commonly used in the context of managing and developing the workforce of an organization.

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