What are the nouns and verbs in this sentences.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend own understanding.

The verb in the first sentence is "trust."

The second sentence has a main verb plus a helping verb. What do you think they are?

Depend and understanding. Ms.


You're half right. The main verb is "depend." Here are a few helping verbs:

is, are, was, were, have, had, has, do, did, should, must, will

Which of those words helps the verb, "depend?"

In this sentence, "understanding" is a noun.

What about the nouns in the first half of the sentence.

A nouns in the first sentence is "Lord." What do you think the other one is?



identify the noun and verbs in this sentence.Don't be impressed with your own wisdom.Instead,fear the Lord and turn your back on evil.


To identify the nouns and verbs in a sentence, we need to understand the parts of speech.

In the sentence "Trust in the Lord with all your heart," the noun is "Lord," and the verbs are "trust" and "depend."

To determine the nouns, we look for words that represent people, places, things, or concepts. In this sentence, "Lord" is a noun because it refers to a specific being.

Verbs, on the other hand, are action words or words that express a state of being. In this case, "trust" and "depend" are both verbs.

Remember that nouns and verbs can often be identified by looking at the function they have in the sentence and the role they play in conveying meaning.