Find the slope of e^x at x=0.

The slope is 1 correct? e^0=1


slope = 1

Thank you!

To find the slope of a function at a specific point, we can use calculus differentiation. In this case, we are looking to find the slope of the function f(x) = e^x at x = 0.

To differentiate f(x) with respect to x, we use the derivative of the exponential function, which is itself. Therefore, the derivative of f(x) = e^x is f'(x) = e^x.

Now, to find the slope of the function at x = 0, we substitute x = 0 into f'(x):

f'(0) = e^0

Since any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1, we have:

f'(0) = 1

Therefore, the slope of e^x at x = 0 is indeed 1.