If (e^x)^-2 X (e^x)^2 X e^x = 1/e^2

find x?

I have no idea how to do this








ln(e^-2)= -2

x= -2

Thank You so much!!

To solve this equation, we can simplify the left side by using the properties of exponents.

Step 1: Simplify the left side using the rule (a^m)^n = a^(m*n):

((e^x)^-2) * ((e^x)^2) * e^x

= (e^(-2x)) * (e^(2x)) * e^x

= e^(-2x + 2x + x)

= e^x

Step 2: Set the simplified left side equal to the right side and solve for x:

e^x = 1/e^2

We can rewrite 1/e^2 as e^(-2).

So, e^x = e^(-2)

Since the bases (e) are equal, the exponents must be equal. Therefore:

x = -2

So, x = -2 is the solution to the equation.