find mass of 2.7 grams of aluminum if mass is 1 cubic meters

find mass of 2.7 grams of aluminum if volume is 1 cubic meters

Mass = weight/volume

Make sure that you convert to appropriate units.

To find the mass of 2.7 grams of aluminum if the mass is given in cubic meters, we need to know the density of aluminum. The density of a substance is defined as its mass per unit volume.

Let's assume that the density of aluminum is 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³).

To convert the mass from cubic meters to cubic centimeters, we need to use conversion factors. Since 1 cubic meter is equal to 1,000,000 cubic centimeters, we can multiply the mass in cubic meters by 1,000,000 to obtain the mass in cubic centimeters.

2.7 grams * 1,000,000 = 2,700,000 grams

Now, we can calculate the mass of the given 2.7 grams of aluminum in cubic meters by using the density formula.

Mass = Density * Volume

Since mass is given as 2.7 grams and we want to find the volume, rearrange the formula:

Volume = Mass / Density

Volume = 2.7 grams / 2.7 g/cm³

Dividing 2.7 grams by 2.7 g/cm³ yields a volume of 1 cm³.

Now, since we know that 1 cm³ is equal to 1 milliliter (mL), we can conclude that 1 cm³ is also equal to 1 gram. Therefore, the mass of 2.7 grams of aluminum is equivalent to 2.7 cm³ or 2.7 mL.

So, the mass of 2.7 grams of aluminum is 2.7 cubic centimeters.