Why it is ok for Girl to wear boys clothes but deviant behavior for boy to wear girl clothes

Social norms in our society, I guess.

Have you noticed the normal clothing for men and for women in places like Afghanistan, China (away from the cities), and other countries besides the US or any other "westernized" countries?


why do men burp in public (or worse), but girls are not allowed to?

I think we often have gender identity expression ideas that fit into our comfortable zone on social expectations. This is the reason men are the bosses, and women the secretaries, and then we complain about equal opportunity.

Read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_role

What about the women wearing men clothes.

Did you read the links posted? Read widely, and take notes.

it is alot websites can you provide me one or two specifically

One of the most important skills you can develop is going through an annotated list of websites to find the ones that seem to answer your question.

The perception of what is considered acceptable or deviant behavior varies across cultures and societies. In many societies, gender roles and expectations play a significant role in shaping these perceptions. The belief that it is okay for girls to wear boys' clothes, but deviant for boys to wear girls' clothes, can be attributed to societal norms and traditional gender roles.

However, it is important to note that these attitudes are gradually evolving, and many societies are becoming more accepting of individuals expressing themselves outside traditional gender norms. It is becoming increasingly recognized that gender identity is a deeply personal experience, and people should have the freedom to express themselves in ways that align with their gender identity, regardless of societal expectations or clothing choices.

It is essential to foster a society that embraces diversity and promotes inclusivity, allowing individuals the freedom to dress and express themselves in ways that make them comfortable and authentic. Gender expression should not be limited or stigmatized by societal norms. It is crucial to challenge rigid stereotypes and create a more inclusive and accepting environment for everyone.