Can someone please help wright a proof for the following.

given: JKLM is a square
prove: MK is perpendicular to LJ

the figure in front of me is a square labeled JKLM and there are diagonals JL and KM

aren't the corners 90 degrees, bisected by the diagonols? And then in any triangle, the sum of angles 180? So that makes the central angles 90, or perpendicular.

To prove that MK is perpendicular to LJ in the given square JKLM, we need to show that the angle between MK and LJ is 90 degrees, or in other words, MK and LJ are perpendicular to each other.


1. Given: Square JKLM.
2. Draw diagonals JL and KM.

To prove that MK is perpendicular to LJ, we will show that the triangles JKL and KML are congruent right triangles.

3. Since JKLM is a square, all sides are equal in length and all angles are right angles.
4. By definition of a square, JL and KM are diagonals and bisect each other at the center of the square, point O.
5. Therefore, JO = OL and KO = OM, as diagonals bisect each other.
6. From step 4, we can also conclude that JK = KL and MJ = JK.
7. Combining step 5 and step 6, we have JKL and KML are isosceles triangles, where JO = OL, JK = KL, and KO = OM.
8. By the Side-Side-Side (SSS) congruence postulate, we can conclude that triangle JKL is congruent to triangle KML.
9. Since triangle JKL is congruent to triangle KML, the corresponding angles are congruent. Therefore, angle KJL is congruent to angle KML.
10. Angles KJL and KML are adjacent angles formed by intersecting lines LJ and MK, and they sum up to 180 degrees (by straight angle theorem).
11. Substituting in the known angle congruence from step 9, we have angle KJL + angle KJL = 180 degrees.
12. Simplifying the equation from step 11, we have 2 * angle KJL = 180 degrees.
13. Dividing both sides of the equation in step 12 by 2, we have angle KJL = 90 degrees.
14. Therefore, angle KJL, which is the angle between MK and LJ, measures 90 degrees, proving that MK is perpendicular to LJ.

Thus, we have proven that MK is perpendicular to LJ in the given square JKLM.

To prove that MK is perpendicular to LJ in the given square JKLM, you can use the properties of squares and the definition of perpendicular lines. Here's a step-by-step proof:

1. Given: JKLM is a square.
2. Draw diagonals JL and KM within the square.
3. Assume for contradiction that MK is not perpendicular to LJ.
4. Since JKLM is a square, all four sides are congruent and all angles are right angles.
5. Let's consider triangle MLJ. In a square, opposite sides are parallel and congruent.
6. Therefore, side JL and side MK are parallel and congruent in triangle MLJ.
7. If MK is not perpendicular to LJ, then triangle MLJ would have an angle other than a right angle at J.
8. By the Converse of the Corresponding Angles Postulate, if two lines are cut by a transversal and corresponding angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.
9. This contradicts the fact that JL and MK are parallel as stated in step 6.
10. Therefore, by contradiction, MK must be perpendicular to LJ.

By proving this contradiction, we have established that MK is indeed perpendicular to LJ in the given square JKLM.