1.Choose the correct past participle for the Spanish verb cantar.

A. canté
B. cantaba
C. cantado
D. canto

C is my answer.

2. Choose the correct past participle for the Spanish verb salir.
A. salía
B. salió
C. salido
D. sale

C is also my answer.

Choose the correct past participle for the Spanish verb describir.
A. descrito
B. describía
C. describo
D. describió

I'm not sure??

1 - c

2 - c
3 - a irregular, like written=escrito

To determine the correct past participle for a Spanish verb, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb stem. The verb stem is the part of the verb that remains when you remove the -ar, -er, or -ir ending. For example, for the verb cantar, the stem is cant-.

2. Add the appropriate past participle ending. For -ar verbs, such as cantar, the past participle ending is -ado. For -er and -ir verbs, such as salir and describir, the past participle ending is -ido.

Applying these steps to the given questions:

1. The verb is "cantar". The stem is "cant-" and the corresponding past participle ending is "-ado". The correct past participle is "cantado". Therefore, option C, "cantado", is the correct answer.

2. The verb is "salir". The stem is "sal-" and the corresponding past participle ending is "-ido". The correct past participle is "salido". Therefore, option C, "salido", is the correct answer.

3. The verb is "describir". The stem is "describ-" and the corresponding past participle ending is "-ido". The correct past participle is "descrito". Therefore, option A, "descrito", is the correct answer.

So, the correct past participle for the Spanish verb describir is A. descrito.

The correct past participle for the Spanish verb "describir" is A. descrito.