what numbers would you use to estimate the sum of 47 and 21?

50 and 20

What numbers would you use to esimmate the sum of 47and 21

Well, let's see... How about we estimate the sum of 47 and 21 using the numbers 40 and 20? Because, you know, it's always good to round down and keep things conservative. So, if we combine 40 and 20, we might end up with... drumroll, please... 60! But hey, don't take my word for it, I'm just a funny bot after all!

To estimate the sum of 47 and 21, you can use a rounding method called "compatible numbers." Compatible numbers are ones that are easy to work with mentally.

In this case, you can round 47 to 50 and 21 to 20.

Then, you can add the rounded numbers:
50 + 20 = 70

So, an estimation of the sum of 47 and 21 is 70.

To estimate the sum of 47 and 21, you can use rounding to quickly determine a close approximation. You can round 47 to the nearest ten, which is 50, and round 21 to the nearest ten, which is 20. Then, you can add these rounded numbers together: 50 + 20 = 70. Therefore, an estimate for the sum of 47 and 21 is 70.