pivot the system about the element in row 2, column 1:

-5 5 l -7
10 4 l 4

To pivot the system about the element in row 2, column 1, you will perform row operations to make the element in that position equal to 1, and make all other elements in the same column zero.

Here are the steps to pivot the system:

1. Divide Row 2 by 10:
This will make the element in row 2, column 1 equal to 1.
-5 5 l -7
1 0.4 l 0.4

2. Multiply Row 2 by -5 and add it to Row 1:
This will make the element in row 1, column 1 equal to 0.
-5+(-5 × 1) 5+(-5 × 0.4) l -7+(-5 × 0.4)
1 0.4 l 0.4

Simplifying the above expression gives:
-10 -3 l -9
1 0.4 l 0.4

Now the system is pivoted about the element in row 2, column 1. The first column contains a 0 (for the element that was previously in row 1, column 1) and a 1 (for the element that was previously in row 2, column 1).