find p/q if (2q^2-pq):(q^2-pq) = 2:3.

Write it out as an equation with fractions, and cross multiply.

(2q^2-pq)/(q^2-pq) = 2/3.

6q^2 -3pq = 2q^2 -2pq
4q^2 = pq
4q = p
p/q = 4

To find p/q, we can start by setting up an equation using the given ratio:

(2q^2 - pq) / (q^2 - pq) = 2/3

To solve this equation, we can start by cross-multiplying:

(2q^2 - pq) * 3 = 2 * (q^2 - pq)

Next, distribute and simplify the equation:

6q^2 - 3pq = 2q^2 - 2pq

Combine like terms:

6q^2 - 2q^2 - 3pq + 2pq = 0

4q^2 - pq = 0

Factor out q:

q(4q - p) = 0

Now we have two possible cases to consider:

Case 1: q = 0
If q = 0, then the equation becomes 4(0) - p(0) = 0. This doesn't give us any information about p/q.

Case 2: 4q - p = 0
Setting the expression inside the parentheses equal to zero gives us:

4q - p = 0

Rearranging the equation:

4q = p

So, we have found that p = 4q.

Therefore, p/q = 4q / q = 4.

Hence, p/q = 4.