I have the pseudocode but i am confused with this question.

Modify the Pay Calculator design from Week 3 to include a loop that allows the user to continue processing employee pay until the program user wants to stop or the maximum number of employees is reached. For the maximum number of employees declare a constant to hold the value and set the constant value to 250.

To modify the Pay Calculator design to include a loop that allows the user to continue processing employee pay until they want to stop or the maximum number of employees is reached, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare a constant to hold the maximum number of employees. In this case, the constant value should be set to 250.


2. Initialize a variable to keep track of the number of employees processed. Let's call this variable "numEmployees" and set its initial value to 0.

numEmployees = 0

3. Now, you can use a loop, such as a "while" or "do-while" loop, to repeatedly process employee pay until the user wants to stop or the maximum number of employees is reached.

For example, you can use a "while" loop like this:

while (numEmployees < MAX_EMPLOYEES):
# Code to process employee pay goes here

# Increment the number of employees processed
numEmployees = numEmployees + 1

# Ask the user if they want to continue processing employee pay
response = input("Do you want to continue (yes/no)? ")
if response.lower() != "yes":
break # Exit the loop if the user does not want to continue

In this code snippet, the loop will continue as long as the number of employees processed is less than the maximum number of employees. Inside the loop, you can include the code to process employee pay. After processing each employee, increment the "numEmployees" variable by 1. Then, ask the user if they want to continue processing employee pay. If the user does not want to continue, exit the loop using the "break" statement.

By including this loop in your Pay Calculator design, the program will allow the user to continue processing employee pay until either they decide to stop or the maximum number of employees is reached.