The Fairfield Rockets were true to their name last night. They blasted off early in the first quarter and didn't slow down until the final buzzer in the fourth.

What is your question?

can you identify all the figurative language in the paragraph?

true to their name

blasted off

didn't slow down until the final buzzer in the fourth

All of these refer to the team's name.

It seems like you're describing a sports game involving the Fairfield Rockets. While I can't provide specific details about the game you mentioned, I can help you understand the concept of the Fairfield Rockets living up to their name based on the information you provided.

In sports, teams often choose names that represent certain attributes or qualities they wish to embody. In this case, the name "Fairfield Rockets" suggests that the team is known for being fast, explosive, or powerful.

When you mention that they "blasted off early in the first quarter and didn't slow down until the final buzzer in the fourth," it suggests that the Fairfield Rockets played with great energy and intensity throughout the entire game. They likely scored many points and created a significant lead against their opponents. This relentless performance from the start to the end of the game is what makes them true to their name, as they demonstrated the qualities that their name implies.

To get more specific information about the game, including actual scores and statistics, you would need to consult a sports news website, local newspapers, or watch or listen to sports broadcasts.