The Victorian Age is known as a time of:

A. liberal ideas
B. carefree living
C. conservative and strict ways of life.
D. none of the above

I think it's C?

Yes, you're right.


To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options provided:

A. Liberal ideas: During the Victorian Age, there were some liberal ideas emerging, such as movements for women's rights, education reforms, and social justice. However, these progressive ideas were not predominant or supported by the ruling class.

B. Carefree living: The Victorian era is generally associated with a more serious and disciplined lifestyle. People were expected to adhere to strict social norms and display proper etiquette, which doesn't align with the concept of carefree living.

C. Conservative and strict ways of life: This option is a plausible choice. The Victorian Age was known for its conservative attitudes, moral values, and strict social codes. It was an era of high moral expectations, social restraint, and emphasis on family values, particularly within the upper classes.

D. None of the above: While it's essential to consider all possibilities, based on the provided options and the characteristics typically associated with the Victorian Age, option C seems to be the most fitting.

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed C. The Victorian Age is known for its conservative and strict ways of life.