find square root of 596 step by step

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To find the square root of 596 step by step, you can use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Long Division Method
1. Start by guessing a number that, when squared, is close to 596. Let's start with 20.

(20^2 = 400)

2. Divide 596 by 20: 596 ÷ 20 = 29.8

3. Average the result with the divisor: (20 + 29.8) ÷ 2 = 24.9

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you get a more accurate result.

(24.9^2 = 620.01)
596 ÷ 24.9 = 23.897

(23.897 + 24.9) ÷ 2 = 24.3985

5. Repeat the process until you reach the desired level of precision. For example:

(24.3985^2 = 595.955253225)
596 ÷ 24.3985 = 24.39861121
(24.39861121 + 24.3985) ÷ 2 = 24.398555

By repeating these steps, you can continue to refine the approximation of the square root of 596 until you reach the desired level of precision.

Method 2: Using a Calculator or a Numerical Method
If you're looking for a more accurate result without going through the manual calculation, you can use a calculator or a numerical method.

Using a calculator:
1. Enter the number 596.
2. Press the square root (√) button.
3. The calculator will provide you with the square root of 596.

Using a numerical method like Newton's Method:
1. Start with an initial guess for the square root of 596.
2. Apply the iterative formula: xn+1 = xn - (f(xn)/f'(xn)), where f(x) = x^2 - 596.
3. Repeat the iterative formula until you reach the desired level of precision.

These methods should help you find the square root of 596 step by step.