Match the following organs with one of its functions.

1. Oral cavity ______ a. stores bile
2. Pharynx ______ b. begins mechanical breakdown of food
3. Esophagus ______ c. responsible for 90% of all nutrient absorption
4. Stomach ______ d. compacts food waste in to feces
5. Pancreas ______ e. muscular tube that helps deliver food to the
stomach with peristaltic waves
6. Liver______ f. produces of intrinsic factor
7. Gall bladder ______ g. common passageway for food and air
8. Small intestine ______ h. secretes enzymes to help food break down in
the small intestine
9. Large intestine ______ i. filters blood

To match the organs with their functions, we can go through each organ and identify its primary function:

1. Oral cavity - b. begins mechanical breakdown of food. The oral cavity, or mouth, is responsible for the initial breakdown of food through chewing and mixing with saliva.

2. Pharynx - g. common passageway for food and air. The pharynx serves as a common pathway for food and air to pass through, connecting the mouth and the esophagus.

3. Esophagus - e. muscular tube that helps deliver food to the stomach with peristaltic waves. The esophagus is a muscular tube that contracts in wave-like motions, known as peristalsis, to push food from the mouth to the stomach.

4. Stomach - d. compacts food waste into feces. The stomach is responsible for breaking down food mechanically and chemically through muscular contractions and the secretion of gastric juices, but it does not produce feces.

5. Pancreas - h. secretes enzymes to help food break down in the small intestine. The pancreas produces enzymes that aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

6. Liver - i. filters blood. The liver plays a vital role in filtering blood, detoxifying harmful substances, and metabolizing nutrients.

7. Gall bladder - a. stores bile. The gall bladder stores bile, a substance produced by the liver that helps in the digestion and absorption of fats.

8. Small intestine - c. responsible for 90% of all nutrient absorption. The small intestine is where the majority of nutrient absorption occurs. It receives partially digested food from the stomach and further breaks it down before absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream.

9. Large intestine - f. produces of intrinsic factor. The large intestine does not produce intrinsic factor, but it is responsible for absorbing water, electrolytes, and vitamins produced by gut bacteria, as well as compacting waste material into feces.

By matching the organs and their functions, we can now identify the correct pairs:

1. Oral cavity - b. begins mechanical breakdown of food
2. Pharynx - g. common passageway for food and air
3. Esophagus - e. muscular tube that helps deliver food to the stomach with peristaltic waves
4. Stomach - d. compacts food waste into feces
5. Pancreas - h. secretes enzymes to help food break down in the small intestine
6. Liver - i. filters blood
7. Gall bladder - a. stores bile
8. Small intestine - c. responsible for 90% of all nutrient absorption
9. Large intestine - f. produces of intrinsic factor