John’s backyard is shaped like a rectangle as shown below. The entire yard is grass, except for a 60 foot by 30 foot rectangular swimming pool. NA

What is the area of the yard that is grass?

We do not have access to your diagram.

Subtract product of sides of swimming pool from product of sides of yard shown.

To find the area of the yard that is grass, we need to find the area of the entire yard and subtract the area of the swimming pool.

The entire yard is shaped like a rectangle. However, we don't have the dimensions of the yard, so let's assume the length and width of the yard are "L" and "W" respectively.

The area of the entire yard is given by the formula: Area of rectangle = length * width = L * W.

Now, the swimming pool has dimensions of 60 feet by 30 feet. So, the area of the swimming pool is given by: Area of pool = length * width = 60 * 30.

To find the area of the grassy part, we subtract the area of the pool from the total area of the yard: Area of grass = Area of yard - Area of pool.

Therefore, the area of the yard that is grass is given by: Area of grass = L * W - 60 * 30.

Please provide the values of the length and width of the yard so I can calculate the area of grass for you.