Suppose that these 15 measurements are respectively labeled x1,x2,..,x15. (Thus,-27 is labeled x1,62 is labeled x2,and so on.)

Find. 15 over the sum sign and i=1 under the sum sign(x1 + 43)

I ahve no idea how to solve this becaue I never seen this type of math before. Someone please help me!

Are you sure that (x1 + 43) after the capital-sigma sum sign is not

xi + 43 ?

It makes no sense otherwise.

If the general term is xi +43, add up the xi values from x1 to x15 and add 15*43 to that sum.

To solve the given expression, we need to substitute the values for x1, x2, ..., x15 into the equation and calculate the sum.

Given that x1 = -27, x2 = 62, and so on, we can substitute these values into the expression:

Σ (x1 + 43)

Now, let's calculate the sum:

= (-27 + 43) + (62 + 43) + ... + (xn + 43)

To calculate this, you need to add each value of xi to 43 and then sum up the results.

For example, the first term is (-27 + 43), which equals 16. Then, you need to add this to the value of the second term: 16 + (62 + 43). Continue this process until you reach the last term.

Once you have the results of each sum, you need to add them all together.

Let's calculate it step by step:

First term: (-27 + 43) = 16
Second term: (62 + 43) = 105

Continue this process for each term until you reach the fifteenth term (xn).

Once you have calculated each term, add them all together:

16 + 105 + ... + (xn + 43)

This will give you the final result of the expression.