in each of two different fourth-grade classes, 1/3 of the members are girls. does each class have the same numbers of girls

As I've posted before -- we don't know.

We need to know the total number of students in each class to find the answer.

To determine if each class has the same number of girls, we need to compare the fractions of girls in both classes.

Let's assume the first class has a total of 15 students. Since 1/3 of the members are girls, we multiply the total number of students (15) by 1/3:

15 * 1/3 = 5

Therefore, there are 5 girls in the first class.

Now, let's assume the second class has a total of 20 students. Again, we multiply the total number of students (20) by 1/3:

20 * 1/3 = 6.666666...

Since the fraction 1/3 cannot be exactly represented as a whole number of students in the second class, we can conclude that the two classes do not have the same number of girls.

Therefore, each class does not have the same number of girls.