True or false: A data file can be used by more than one program.

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Of course it can.

Yes. And deleting one may cause a few programs to fail.

True, a data file can be used by more than one program. Data files are usually stored in a format that can be accessed and manipulated by different software applications. These files can contain information such as text, numbers, images, or any other type of data.

To confirm this, you can consider the following steps to verify if a data file can be used by more than one program:

1. Identify the format of the data file: Determine the file extension of the data file in question. For example, common file extensions include .txt for text files, .csv for comma-separated value files, .xls or .xlsx for Excel spreadsheet files, .jpg or .png for image files, etc. The file extension gives an indication of the file's format.

2. Research file compatibility: Once you know the file format, research which programs are compatible with that specific file type. For example, if you have a .txt file, it can be opened and edited by numerous text editors like Notepad, Sublime Text, or Microsoft Word. Similarly, if you have an image file like a .jpg, it can be viewed and edited using various image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or Microsoft Paint.

3. Attempt opening the file with multiple programs: To further confirm if a data file can be used by more than one program, try opening the file using different software applications associated with its format. If you can successfully open and work with the file using multiple programs, then it is evident that the file is compatible with those programs.

By following these steps, you can determine that a data file can indeed be used by more than one program.