Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

A. He aquí una blanca cosa.
B. He aquí las cosas blancas.<<> my answer
C. He aquí unas cosas blanca.
D. He aquí la cosas blancas.

Can you explain to me the difference between the choices.

A. The usual word order for the adjective "blanca" is AFTER the noun = He aquí una cosa blanca.

B. Correct!

C . unas cosas is feminine and PLURAL while the adjective is only feminine singular.

D. Now the adjective is feminine PLURAL while the noun i HALF singular and 1/2 plural!


Sure! Let's go through each option and see the difference in grammar:

A. "He aquí una blanca cosa." This sentence is grammatically incorrect because it uses the singular article "una" (meaning "a" or "an") with the adjective "blanca" (meaning "white") to modify the noun "cosa" (meaning "thing"). Since it is referring to a singular noun, the article and the adjective should also be in the singular form: "He aquí una blanca cosa" should be corrected to "He aquí una cosa blanca" to be grammatically accurate.

B. "He aquí las cosas blancas." This sentence is grammatically correct. It uses the plural article "las" (meaning "the") with the plural noun "cosas" (meaning "things"), and the plural adjective "blancas" (meaning "white"). Therefore, it translates to "Here are the white things."

C. "He aquí unas cosas blanca." This sentence is grammatically incorrect because it uses the singular adjective "blanca" (meaning "white") with the plural noun "cosas" (meaning "things"). The adjective should match the noun in number, so it should be corrected to "blancas" (meaning "white") to match the plural noun: "He aquí unas cosas blancas." This sentence would then translate to "Here are some white things."

D. "He aquí la cosas blancas." This sentence is grammatically incorrect because it uses the singular article "la" (meaning "the") with the plural noun "cosas" (meaning "things"). The article should match the noun in number, so it should be corrected to "las" (meaning "the") to match the plural noun: "He aquí las cosas blancas." This sentence would then translate to "Here are the white things."

To summarize, the grammatically correct sentence among the choices is B. "He aquí las cosas blancas."