how to do a problem solving stratigy of making a table/find a pattern

To develop a problem-solving strategy of making a table or finding a pattern, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the problem: Read the problem carefully and make sure you fully comprehend what it is asking for. Identify the given information and what needs to be determined.

2. Identify the variables: Figure out the key variables or numbers involved in the problem. These variables will typically represent quantities you need to manipulate or observe patterns in.

3. Start with a small example: Begin by exploring a small, manageable case that allows you to understand the problem better. Plug in some values for the variables and see what happens. This will help you grasp any relationships or patterns that might exist.

4. Create a table: Once you have a basic grasp of the problem, start building a table to organize your data. List the values of the variables in different rows or columns and observe any patterns or relationships that emerge. Pay attention to how the output values change with different inputs.

5. Look for patterns: Examine the table you created and look for any patterns or relationships between the values. Patterns might include consistent differences between numbers, repeated values, or predictable changes.

6. Generate a general rule or formula: If a pattern is evident, you can try to find a general rule or formula that can be applied to solve the problem more efficiently. This rule should be able to predict the output values based on the input.

7. Test and verify: Once you have a rule or formula, use it to solve the original problem and verify that it produces the correct output. Apply it to different cases or inputs to ensure its accuracy.

It's important to note that not all problems can be solved using tables or patterns. However, this strategy is useful for many types of math-based problems that involve numerical relationships. Practice is key, so try solving different types of problems to improve your pattern recognition skills.