1)If I am to plot a graph of Force in Newtons vs. Stretch in meters, would the x axis be force or the stretch?

2) The data table has 3 columns: force in Newtons, position in m and displacement in m. Which one is used to plot the Stretch in meters? the position column or the displacement column? I think displacement?

This is a spring lab to measure the work done to stretch a spring.

1) Stretch

2) Displacement

1) If you are plotting a graph of Force in Newtons vs. Stretch in meters, the x-axis would typically represent the independent variable, which is typically the variable you control or manipulate. In this case, since you are measuring the force and stretch of a spring, the x-axis would represent the stretch in meters.

2) In the context of your spring lab, it seems like you are interested in measuring the stretch of the spring. Generally, the stretch is determined by either the position or the displacement of the spring. However, without more information, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.

If the position column in the data table refers to the initial position of the spring before it is stretched (i.e., the starting point), then you would use the displacement column to calculate the stretch. Displacement represents the change in position of the spring from its original position when it is stretched.

On the other hand, if the position column represents the actual position of the spring when it is stretched, then you would use that column instead of the displacement column to calculate the stretch.

To be sure, it is recommended to refer to the instructions or guidelines provided in your lab manual or consult with your instructor to determine which column specifically represents the stretch of the spring in your data table.