please show how to get the answer...




To find the answers to these inequalities, we need to isolate the variable on one side of the inequality sign. Let's solve each inequality step by step:

1. w > 2:
- To isolate the variable w, we need to get rid of the "greater than" symbol.
- Subtracting 2 from both sides will give us: w - 2 > 2 - 2, which simplifies to w > 0.
- The solution to this inequality is w > 0, meaning any value of w greater than 0 makes the inequality true.

2. d + 6 < 15:
- To isolate the variable d, we need to get rid of the "less than" symbol.
- Subtracting 6 from both sides will give us: d + 6 - 6 < 15 - 6, which simplifies to d < 9.
- The solution to this inequality is d < 9, meaning any value of d less than 9 makes the inequality true.

3. s - 1 > 4:
- To isolate the variable s, we need to get rid of the "greater than" symbol.
- Adding 1 to both sides will give us: s - 1 + 1 > 4 + 1, which simplifies to s > 5.
- The solution to this inequality is s > 5, meaning any value of s greater than 5 makes the inequality true.

These are the solutions to the given inequalities. Remember, when solving inequalities, you can perform operations on both sides of the equation as long as you apply the same operation to both sides.