insert the symbols /,*,-,and+ in these numbers i.e. 44444 in such a way that the answer is 5.

To insert the symbols /, *, -, and + in the number 44444 in such a way that the answer is 5, you need to use your mathematical operations.

Let's go step-by-step to find a solution:

1. Start with the number 44444.
2. One possible way to get an answer of 5 is to use subtraction (-). So, we can try subtracting some digits from 44444 to reach 5.
a. For example, 44444 - 44439 = 5.
3. However, we can only use the given symbols (/,*,-,+) in the process, not any additional numbers or operations.
a. So, we will have to express 44439 using only the digits available to us (4, 4, 4, 4, 4).
b. One way to do this is by using multiplication (*). We can multiply 4 by 1111 to get 4444, and then subtracting another 5, since 4444 - 5 = 4439.
c. So, we can write it as:
44444 - (4 * 1111 + 5) = 5.

Thus, by following these steps, you can insert the symbols /, *, -, and + in the number 44444 in such a way that the answer is 5 by using the equation:
44444 - (4 * 1111 + 5) = 5.