Two forces acting on a body in opposite directions,have the resultant velocities of 10newton. if they act at right angles to each other, the resultant is 50 newton.find the two forces.

A-B = 10N

A=10+B-----Eq 1

50=root A2+B2 its square

now square on both aise..
25000=(10+B)+ B2
2500=100+B2+20B +B2
B2+ 10B-1200=0
B=30 &
from eq 1
A =40

i hope soo u might be safistied with my answer.

Its really the answer

yes,answer is correct


how did you get the right answer

even when you didnt know that 30 and 40 are the answers

To find the two forces, we can use vector addition. Let's assume that the two forces have magnitudes F1 and F2 respectively and act at right angles to each other.

Let's represent F1 as a horizontal force and F2 as a vertical force.

From the information given, we know that the resultant velocity of the two forces acting in opposite directions is 10 Newtons. This means that the magnitude of the overall force is 10 Newtons.

We can represent this information using the Pythagorean theorem. According to the theorem, the magnitude of the resultant force is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the two forces.

Using the formula:

Resultant Force (R) = √(F1^2 + F2^2)

Given that the resultant force is 50 Newtons, we can solve for the two forces:

50 = √(F1^2 + F2^2)

To simplify this equation, we can square both sides:

2500 = F1^2 + F2^2

Now we have one equation with two unknowns. However, we also have additional information from the problem, namely, that the resultant velocities of the forces are 10 Newtons.

Since the forces are acting at right angles to each other, we can express this using vector addition:

Resultant Velocity = √(V1^2 + V2^2)

where V1 is the velocity due to F1 and V2 is the velocity due to F2. According to the problem, the resultant velocity is 10 Newtons.

Using this information, we can set up another equation:

10 = √(V1^2 + V2^2)

We can solve this equation to find the values of V1 and V2:

100 = V1^2 + V2^2

Now we have two equations:

2500 = F1^2 + F2^2
100 = V1^2 + V2^2

If we can find the values of V1 and V2, we can substitute them into the second equation to determine the magnitudes of F1 and F2.