The main antagonist to the other characters within the story is?

The antagonist in a story or play is sometimes considered the villain. (The protagonist is considered the hero, good guy, main character...)

I've never read this, but you may find some help in one of these:

To determine the main antagonist in a story, you need to analyze the characters and their roles within the narrative. Here's how you can find the main antagonist:

1. Identify the central conflict: Think about what conflict drives the story. It could be a person opposed to the protagonist or a force of nature, society, or internal struggle.

2. Look for opposing forces: Identify the characters who are in opposition to the protagonist or the characters who consistently create obstacles for them.

3. Assess their impact: Determine the magnitude of the character's negative influence on the protagonist and other characters. How much do they hinder the protagonist's progress or cause harm?

4. Consider their motivations: Explore the antagonist's goals, intentions, and reasons for being a source of conflict. This will help you understand their role in the story.

5. Evaluate their prominence: Assess the frequency and significance of the antagonist's appearances in the narrative. Are they present throughout the story or do they come and go?

6. Analyze the resolution: Examine how the story concludes. The character or force that is directly responsible for resolving the central conflict is often the main antagonist.

By going through these steps, you should be able to identify the main antagonist in the story you're referring to.