49. Mi madre hace ____ con tortillas, carne de res, queso y tomates.

a. el guacamole
b. las quesadillas
c. los tacos
d. el flan sabroso

51. No tengo tiempo para arreglar mi cuarto. Voy a poner la ropa ________ de la cama. Nadie puede verla.
a. encima
b. debajo
c. delante
d. al lado

52. He probado el café sólo ________; no me gustó.
a. una vez
b. siempre
c. nunca
d. casi nunca
Not sure..

53. "¿Con qué _________ el guacamole?"
"Con aguacate, tomato y cebolla."
a. prueba
b. cociné
c. se hacen
d. se hace
B? Not sure..

54. Susana, ¿_________ la sal?
a. le pasa
b. me pasa
c. me pasas
d. quiero pasarte

55. Cunado vamos a un restaurante, mis padres siempre pagan _________.
a. el menu
b. por el mantel
c. la camarera
d. la cuenta

56. "Qué bebieron Uds.?"
"Yo _____ jugo de naranja, y mi madre __________ té helado."
a. bebieron/ bebió
b. bebió/ bebimos
c. bebí/ bebisteis
d. bebí/ bebío
Not sure..


49. Well, here's a good one. Yes, it could be tacos, but it could also be las quesadillas. For my quesadillas I use large tortillas (flour), grated cheese, diced tomatoes, avocado, mush rooms, black olives, chicken or beef!

52. una vez (once, but I didn't like it)

53. How is it made? (cómo se hace)

55. If they paid the waitress, it would require a "personal a" so it ha to be d (la cuenta = the bill)

56. Here you would have to know the Preterit and select the forms to go with yo and ella (mi madre) = d = yo bebí y ella bebió

Sr a

49. The correct answer is b. las quesadillas. To determine the correct answer, you can look at the list of ingredients mentioned in the sentence - tortillas, carne de res, queso, and tomates. Out of the given options, only las quesadillas include these ingredients.

51. The correct answer is a. encima. To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the sentence. The sentence mentions that the person doesn't have time to tidy up their room, so they will put the clothes somewhere where nobody can see them. Out of the given options, encima (on top) fits this context.

52. The correct answer is c. nunca. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the meaning of the sentence. The sentence says that the person has tried the coffee only once and they didn't like it. Out of the given options, nunca (never) fits this context.

53. The correct answer is c. se hacen. To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the sentence and the response. The question asks how the guacamole is made, and the response mentions aguacate, tomato, and cebolla (avocado, tomato, and onion). Out of the given options, se hacen (they are made) matches the sentence structure.

54. The correct answer is a. le pasa. To determine the correct answer, you need to analyze the sentence. "Susana, ¿le pasa la sal?" translates to "Susana, can you pass the salt?" Out of the given options, le pasa (do you pass it to him/her) matches the sentence structure.

55. The correct answer is d. la cuenta. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context. The sentence mentions going to a restaurant, and the parents always pay for something. Out of the given options, la cuenta (the bill) fits the context.

56. The correct answer is b. bebió/ bebimos. To determine the correct answer, you need to analyze the sentence and the response. The question asks what they (Uds.) drank, and the response mentions two drinks - jugo de naranja (orange juice) and té helado (iced tea). Out of the given options, bebió (he/she drank) matches the first part of the sentence, and bebimos (we drank) matches the second part.

Overall, you did well! Just a few answers that were not correct, but keep practicing and you'll improve.