What is the verb and adverb in this sentence....The unpredictable volcanic activity discourages people from living there.

The adverb is "there."

What do you think the verb is?

What word shows the "action?"


In the sentence "The unpredictable volcanic activity discourages people from living there," the verb is "discourages" and the adverb is "unpredictable."

To identify the verb in a sentence, you need to look for the action or state of being. In this case, the verb is "discourages" as it represents the action of preventing or demotivating someone from living in a particular place.

To identify the adverb, you need to look for a word that modifies or describes the verb. In this case, "unpredictable" functions as an adverb because it describes the quality or characteristic of the volcanic activity. It tells us how the volcanic activity is discouraging people from living there.

So, to summarize:
- Verb: "discourages"
- Adverb: "unpredictable"