An electrical motor is designed to operate on 34 V at 1.3 A. How much resistance must be connected in series to this motor, if you wish to plug it in to a 120 V outlet?

Is it DC or AC? I assume DC, because if AC, power factor is troublsome adding a resistance in series.

you want 1.3 a? so the voltage across the resistor has to be (120-34), and current 1.3, or a resistance of 86/1.3 ohms.

To determine the resistance required to connect the motor to a 120 V outlet, you can use Ohm's law, which states that the current flowing through a resistor is equal to the voltage across the resistor divided by its resistance.

First, let's calculate the resistance of the motor. According to Ohm's law, R = V/I, where R is the resistance, V is the voltage, and I is the current.
Given that the motor is designed to operate at 34 V and 1.3 A, we can calculate the resistance as R = 34 V / 1.3 A = 26.15 Ω.

Now, let's find the additional resistance that needs to be connected in series to the motor in order to operate it on a 120 V outlet.

The total resistance in the circuit can be calculated by subtracting the motor's resistance from the total resistance of the circuit:

Total Resistance = Resistance of the circuit - Resistance of the motor

Since the motor and the additional resistance are connected in series, the total resistance can be calculated using Ohm's law:

Total Resistance = Voltage / Current

Total Resistance = 120 V / 1.3 A ≈ 92.31 Ω

Now, to find the additional resistance needed, subtract the resistance of the motor from the total resistance:

Additional Resistance = Total Resistance - Resistance of the motor

Additional Resistance = 92.31 Ω - 26.15 Ω ≈ 66.16 Ω

Therefore, to connect the motor to a 120 V outlet, an additional resistance of approximately 66.16 Ω must be connected in series with the motor.