1st grade math worksheet says Write some names for 12, what does this mean?

A dozen, number of months in a year, douzaine (French).

write some names for 12

twelve, a dozen, duodecad. Is that what you mean, or do you mean in other langauges? The more specific you can be, the better.


a dozen

a dozen

name for 12 in mathematical terms:


In this context, "Write some names for 12" is asking you to list different ways to express the value of the number 12. It is an exercise that encourages children to explore the concept of number and its various representations. Here are a few examples:

- Twelve
- 1 dozen
- 10 + 2
- 6 + 6
- 24 divided by 2

By coming up with different names for 12, you are essentially demonstrating your understanding of number relationships and how numbers can be expressed in different ways.