Write a thesis sentence stating how and why the media's value extends beyond entertainment value. The thesis must include why it is a legitimate form of popular culture. Keep in mind factors such as influence and controversy.

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The media's value extends beyond entertainment value due to its significant influence on society and its role as a legitimate form of popular culture, evident through factors such as its ability to shape public opinion, trigger discussions on important issues, and generate controversial conversations.

To develop a thesis sentence that incorporates the influence and controversy surrounding the media's value, we need to consider the following steps:

1. Understand the media's influence: Acknowledge the media's power to shape public opinion and influence societal perceptions. This involves considering the various forms of media available today, such as news outlets, social media platforms, television shows, movies, music, and literature.

2. Recognize its role as a legitimate form of popular culture: Popular culture refers to cultural products and practices that are embraced, consumed, and shared by a wide audience. The media, with its extensive reach and impact, serves as a significant component of popular culture.

3. Consider the factors of influence and controversy: Analyze how the media's influence can both positively and negatively impact society. Evaluate how controversial topics or events covered by the media generate discussions, serving as valuable platforms for social change, awareness, and dialogue.

Based on these steps, a possible thesis sentence could be:

"The media's value extends beyond entertainment, serving as a legitimate form of popular culture and influencing society through its ability to shape public opinion, trigger discussions on important issues, and generate controversial conversations."