uvw=xyz if so name the postulate that applies


this doesnt help at alllll!!!!!!!!!

To determine the postulate that applies to the equation uvw = xyz, we need to consider the context in which this equation is being used. Postulates are fundamental statements or principles that are accepted without proof in a particular theory or system. Without further information about the context of this equation, it is difficult to identify a specific postulate that applies.

However, if the equation uvw = xyz is related to geometric figures, one possible postulate that may apply is the Segment Addition Postulate. This postulate states that if three points A, B, and C are collinear, then the distance between A and C is equal to the sum of the distances between A and B and between B and C. In this case, we would consider the variables u, v, and w as representing distances or segments on a line, while x, y, and z represent additional distances or segments.

It's important to note that without more information, the specific postulate that applies to the equation uvw = xyz is speculative. Providing additional context would allow for a more accurate identification of the postulate.

if angle ADC=7x+3 and angle DCB= 5x+9 then angle DAB=?