what is the justification for m angle 1 = 60degree

To justify that angle 1 is equal to 60 degrees, we would need more information about the context or the given geometric figure where angle 1 is involved. Angle measurements can be justified using various principles and theorems of geometry such as:

1. Angle Addition Postulate: If we have two adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines, the sum of their measures is equal to the measure of the whole angle formed by those lines.

2. Angle Bisector Theorem: If an angle is bisected by a line or ray, then the two resulting angles formed are equal in measure.

3. Theorems related to parallel lines and transversals: There are several theorems and corresponding angle relationships when a transversal intersects a pair of parallel lines. These include alternate interior angles, corresponding angles, and supplementary angles.

Without any additional information about the specific situation where angle 1 is located, it is not possible to provide a precise justification for why angle 1 would be equal to 60 degrees. It is important to provide the context or any relevant details to obtain an accurate explanation.