what is the appositive inthis sentences

Charles Lutwidge Dodson is better known by his pen name,Lewis Carroll.

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that follows another noun.

What do you think is the appositive in this sentence?

name, lewis carroll

"Lewis Carroll" is the appositive.

what would be the word it identifies or descride would it be name

Yes. This appositive describes "name."

The appositive in the given sentence is "Lewis Carroll." Here's how you can identify it:

1. Look for additional information: An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that provides extra information or further identifies another noun in the sentence.
In this sentence, "Charles Lutwidge Dodson" is the noun being further identified, and "Lewis Carroll" provides additional information about him.

2. Notice the punctuation: In many cases, appositives are set off by commas, as they are in this sentence. The comma before and after "Lewis Carroll" indicates that it is an appositive.

Therefore, "Lewis Carroll" is the appositive in the sentence.