I have a question-I'm not sure of this translation:

¿Qué comes parea a uno?

Does this mean What do you stop to eat at one or Where?
I'm stuck on this one.

Thanks you

it is what a stop to eat.

I used google translater. :)

¿Qué comes? = What do you eat

what is parea a uno? para = for

Please check all the spelling as something is incorrect.


a que hora empiezas a estudiar por la tarde

What is rhnouash unscramble

The sentence you provided, "¿Qué comes para a uno?", seems to have a few errors in it. Let's break it down to figure out the correct translation.

First, the word "parea" does not exist in Spanish, so there might be a typo in your sentence. If you meant to write "para," then it changes the meaning of the sentence.

Second, the word "a" seems unnecessary in this context, so it's likely a mistake as well.

Assuming you meant to write "¿Qué comes para uno?" without any errors, the correct translation would be "What do you eat for one?" or more naturally, "What do you eat by yourself?"

If you were trying to say "What do you stop to eat at one?" or "Where do you stop to eat at one?", the correct translation would be different. In Spanish, those sentences would be:

- ¿Dónde paras a comer a la una?
- ¿Dónde te detienes a comer a la una?

Please double-check the sentence you provided and let me know if there are any errors or clarifications needed so that I can assist you further.