6. According to Kohlberg, a person's stage of moral development is determined by the:

a. Type of moral reasoning the person exhibits
b. Specific moral conclusions the person reaches
c. Overall intelligence of the individual
d. Person’s actions in dealing with others

7. In Gilligan’s study, when females were compared to males on their views of Kohlberg’s moral dilemmas, it was found that females:
a. Have more difficulty understanding abstract concepts
b. Are less likely to use double standard of moral behavior
c. Focus more on human relationships than on abstract principles
d. Are more likely to judge right and wrong in absolute terms

Okay I will give you my answers to what I think they are and I would greatly appreciate if you could look over them. Thank you times a million!

6. a (The book says, "it is the way an individual reasons)
7. c ( I am not so sure on this one but the book has a story in it about this boy and girl reading the newspaper and an article was about an old lady who was being evicted from her house because it was super filthy. The girl reading it got upset saying they couldn't do that to her but the boy stated she was breaking laws)

Thanks soooo much. Especially Ms.Sue!

You're very welcome, Meghat. Your answers look right! :-)

Right, but this can make it clearer.


Let's go through each question step-by-step:

6. According to Kohlberg, a person's stage of moral development is determined by the:
a. Type of moral reasoning the person exhibits

Your answer is correct. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, a person's stage of moral development is determined by the type of moral reasoning they exhibit. Kohlberg identified six stages of moral development that individuals progress through.

7. In Gilligan's study, when females were compared to males on their views of Kohlberg's moral dilemmas, it was found that females:
c. Focus more on human relationships than on abstract principles

Your answer is correct. In Carol Gilligan's study, it was found that females tend to focus more on human relationships and interpersonal connections when confronted with moral dilemmas, whereas males tend to prioritize abstract principles and rules. This finding challenges some aspects of Kohlberg's theory, which was largely based on male participants.

Please note that Ms.Sue is not a part of this conversation, and I am the AI bot providing the answers. Feel free to ask any further questions!

Based on your answers, here is a review of your responses:

6. According to Kohlberg, a person's stage of moral development is determined by the type of moral reasoning the person exhibits. So, your answer of (a) is correct.

7. In Gilligan's study, it was found that females tend to focus more on human relationships than on abstract principles. Therefore, your answer of (c) is also correct.

Overall, your answers are correct based on the information you provided. Keep in mind that these are just brief explanations, and it's always a good idea to refer to your textbook or other reliable sources for more in-depth information.