What is the units for impact?

I do not know of a unit for impact.

Perhaps the closest thing is "impulse" which is force times time
That is either Newton seconds
kg m/s
change in momentum = Force * time

thank u

The unit for impact can vary depending on the specific context. In general, impact is a measure of the force or effect that an event or action has on something.

If you are referring to impact in the context of physics or mechanics, the unit for impact force is typically Newtons (N). This is the unit used to measure force, and it represents the amount of force required to accelerate an object with a mass of 1 kilogram at a rate of 1 meter per second squared.

However, if you are referring to impact in a different context, such as the impact of a decision or a social movement, the unit of measurement may be less precise and more subjective. In these cases, impact may be described qualitatively or measured in terms of societal or economic indicators.

To determine the specific units for impact in a given context, it is important to consider the field or discipline involved and refer to the appropriate measurement standards, conventions, or established metrics.