(-6^2 + 2v + 4) - (6v^2 + 4)=

Is the solution: 12v^2 + 2v?

the first term.. is that (-6^v2 + 2v + 4)??

if it is, then, you almost got the correct answer---you just forgot to put a negative sign before 12v^2 :)

Yes!, Thank you. It is (-6v^2 + 2v +4)

Thank you for reminding me of the - sign.

To solve the given equation (-6^2 + 2v + 4) - (6v^2 + 4), you need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

First, let's simplify within the parentheses:

(-6^2 + 2v + 4) - (6v^2 + 4)

= (-36 + 2v + 4) - (6v^2 + 4)

= (-36 + 2v + 4) - 6v^2 - 4

= -36 + 2v + 4 - 6v^2 - 4

= -36 + 2v + (-6v^2)

Next, combine like terms:

-36 + 2v + (-6v^2)

= -6v^2 + 2v - 36

Hence, the simplified form of the given expression is -6v^2 + 2v - 36.

Therefore, the solution is not 12v^2 + 2v.